Anything For Her
Technically my mum won a copy of this book via Goodreads' Giveaways/First Reads program, but since she doesn't write reviews and I do, I'll read it too.
3.5 stars.
So, I've read it. And though it isn't my usual genre--I like to mix it up every so often--I must admit I got quite into it. I wanted to know what happened that night; what secret were the mum and daughter keeping? Was it really that bad? Who was this guy scaring them?
Now that I've read it, I've gotten answers to all of the above and strangely enough; I kind of feel it was justified. How Louise and Brooke went about it was just all wrong on many levels, especially what Louise did. I was extremely put off by that.
Some of the other stuff put me off as well. What was with Michael?
As I mentioned above, this isn't my usual genre but for a first book--going via createspace for paperbacks--this is a pretty good book.