Geek Girl

Geek Girl - Holly Smale


I've been eyeing this book up for a few months now. Every time I go in my local Asda Living I hum and ahh over whether to buy it but I wasn't sure if I'd like it. But then I saw it as a Kindle deal and just decided to buy it.

This was a quick easy read but I never really fell into the story. I didn't gel with it that much. I don't know if it was Harriets total geekiness-slash-clumsiness-slash-doesnt know when to shut-up-ness but up until the last 15% or so I found her so awkward as a character.

That's why I wasn't really expecting anything romance wise but that end bit has me a little intrigued as to where things could go with her and Nick so I may just have to buy the next book at some point.