Present Perfect

Present Perfect - Alison G. Bailey Holy crap!

This book is good but in the put-you-through-the-wringer-continuously kinda way. I was an emotional wreck for what was probably half the book and that's not good when you need to keep reading to find out what's going to happen between Tweet and Noah.

I think they both broke my heart at one bit or another in this and both for very different reasons.

I certainly wasn't expecting the life altering thing that happened around the 65-70% mark and it threw me for a loop. Totally. Irrevocably. That was when the tears came in earnest and I had to put it down to calm myself down because I was getting a headache and didn't like where it was going.

But at the same time, that "thing" and meeting Dalton made her realise what she was doing and that she isn't going to be around forever and it gave her the push she needed and I was so happy. And then we got put back through the wringer and I almost gave up, not wanting to finish this if it wasn't going to be happy. I finished it though and *sighs* it didn't end badly.

Christ! Even writing this I cant see through my tears :')