A Terrible Love

A Terrible Love - Marata Eros I received this copy in exchange for an honest review.

I was quickly captivated by this story and the characters and quickly devoured this book.

The story has some dark aspects but they are to be expected in most New Adult books. This one is slightly darker than others and focuses on abuse and violence.

I’ll start by mentioning Devin Castile, I think I fell for him pretty early on or he at least got me a little hot and bothered. Wowzer! Well done for creating such a hot character :D

Mitch on the other hand seemed sweet and kind but their wasn’t really a spark there. He seemed too much of a gentleman (but some women like that).

I also really liked Brad and Carlie, they were fun characters and I enjoyed the banter they shared with Jess.

Although dark, this is a well written book and having looked on GoodReads I’ve seen their is going to be a second book, A Brutal Tenderness, which sounds like it will tell the story from Devin’s POV. I’ll tell you now I will definitely be interested in seeing things from his view and I’ve marked it as “to-read”.

I really enjoyed it and recommend it to those who like New Adult books and those who like their books a little grittier.