
Lothaire (Immortals After Dark, #12) - Kresley Cole

The Enemy of Old's book had been brewing for a really long time and I couldn't wait to start it to see what kind of woman it would take to bring Lothaire to his knees. And the answer is one tough chick in the form of Ellie Peirce.


It started with a flashback to Lothaire's childhood and I almost wanted to throw my book when I saw what kind of a man he had for a father and what happened to his poor mother. It helped us to understand him a little more.


Then we forwarded to "5 years ago" and we met Elizabeth Peirce, a poor girl sharing a body with an evil deity who enjoyed killing people while Ellie slept. It was really gruesome reading as Saroya killed the people who had come to try and exercise her from Ellie.


And that is the three main characters met. Saroya, I did not like at all, she was manipulative and just plain evil. Lothaire, after the beginning, I could understand him more and though he's a bit arrogant in the things he says and does I did grow to like him. Ellie was just awesome, she didn't take none of Lothaire's crap and liked to wind him up. It was quite fun reading.


One thing I did enjoy was Lothaire being brought to his knees by a human. He needed a woman exactly like Ellie and she was a force to be reckoned with at times.


The only thing I didn't like, and what lost it half a star for me, was their split. It all seemed to be going so well for them and then Lothaire did something against her will and then for like the next 60 pages they're not together. I was like WTF?


In the end it all worked out and apart from that one thing mentioned above, I really liked it. This is probably one of my favourite books in the series!